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This is how we started​​​​​​​

Oceanside Boutique 16

I'm Angela the owner of my company! I'm a stay at home mom and honestly was looking for a way to bring some extra income to our home! I'll be honest I spent some heavy months searching for ideas! The light bulb went off that I wanted to make it easier for woman to shop, that have minimal time to shop.
I originally started with purses and watches because at the time it was before smart watches were really big. Well as time went on, I had to find a new market for my customers. So I sold all my original items and added sunglasses. They were such a hit that I had added woman and children's as the time went on. After 3 years of being in business, I decided it was time to add clothing! So far the directions I ended up was the better way to go!
My dream and passion of helping others, has always been my Love!